Rome Total War Realism 6.0 Gold

2020. 3. 6. 17:46카테고리 없음

  1. Rome Total Realism Mod
  2. Moddb Com Rome Total War

Rome: Total Realism is a complete modification for Rome: Total War developed by an international team of skilled individuals that now boasts a Phd level history researcher team which strives to bring you the most immersing, challenging and fun modification possible. We have come a long way since the early heydays of 2005, the team has also changed and grown too; but what remains the same is the desire to make our mod a truly engrossing experience. We are now working on our most adventurous modification yet, 7.0, and are soon to release our first faction preview. Check in with us regularly and be a part of changing gaming history.

Thread moved to Game Modification & Editor Discussion.Here's how to install RTR. I'll give a guide to the mod:switch version as this will not affect any of the original game files. However RTRPE will only work for RTW version 1.5. To find out what version you have start RTW and go to the 'Options' screen. The version number will be displayed in the top-right corner of the screen.If it says 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2, go and download and install first the 1.3 patch, then the 1.5 patch.If it says 1.3, download and install the 1.5 patch. Go and click one of the links at the top of your screen, under the 'Version 1.9 Platinum Mod Switch' header. I advise using the Sendspace link as it is easier to use.

Rome Total Realism Mod

In the page that has now opened you will see a text that says 'Download Link'. Click on the link directly to the right of it. A small screen will appear. Click on 'Save file'. In the screen that opens now find a location which you can easily find back (such as your desktop) and click on 'Save'.

The file will now be downloaded. Wait for it to finish before continuing.

Select the file you just downloaded and press the Enter key on your keyboard to start the installation. Keep clicking on next until you get a screen where you can type in a location in a bar. Click the 'Browse' button next to the bar. Find your base RTW folder, select it and press the button that says something like 'Open' or 'Ok'. Your base RTW folder is the one that contains a file called RomeTW.exe.

It will also contain several other folders, for example one called 'data'. Click next again. The installation program will now automatically place all files where they need to go. Don't worry, the original game files will not be touched.


Once the installer says it's finished click 'Finish'. If you now go to your desktop you will see a few new icons.

If you have only RTW you can use the one that says something like 'RTR Platinum Edition' to play RTR. If you also have Barbarian Invasion you can use the one that says:'RTR BI'.


Moddb Com Rome Total War

Rome Total Realism is a mod for original, and is not made by Creative Assembly. As to what it changes, more or less everything is the answer. Completely new units replace the old, and much has been done to reflect the true nature of history at that time.There are several realism mods out there. The main three (In descending order of ambitiousness) are EB (Europa Barbarorum), RTR (Rome Total Realism) and XGM (Extended Greek Mod). There are others, but those are the most popular.This message has been edited by Andalus (edited @ 12:22 PM).